Journal Articles
- K. Behrouzi, Z. Wu, L. Lin, and B. Kante, “Single plasmonic exceptional point nanoantenna coupled to a photonic integrated circuit sensor,” Photon. Res. 13, 632-641 (2025).
- Z. Jia, H. Rubio, L. Neim, J. Park, S. Preble, and B. Kanté, “Multi-dimensional optical neural network,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.16140v1 (2024).
- K. Jhuria, V. Ivanov, D. Polley, Y. Zhiyenbayev, W. Liu, A. Persaud, W. Redjem, W. Qarony, P. Parajuli, Q. Ji, A. J. Gonsalves, J. Bokor, L. Z. Tan, B. Kanté and T. Schenkel, “Programmable quantum emitter formation in silicon,” Nat Commun 15, 4497 (2024).
- E. J. Dresselhaus, A. Avdoshkin, Z. Jia, M. Secli, B. Kante, J. E. Moore, “A tale of two localizations: coexistence of flat bands and Anderson localization in a photonics-inspired amorphous system,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17578 (2024).
- B. Kanté, “BerkSEL: A scale-invariant laser beyond the Schawlow-Townes two-mirror strategy,” Nat Commun 15, 2047 (2024).
- Z. Yang, PS. Huang, YT. Lin et al., “Creating pairs of exceptional points for arbitrary polarization control: asymmetric vectorial wavefront modulation,” Nat Commun 15, 232 (2024).
- Z. Jia, W. Qarony, J. Park, S. Hooten, D. Wen, Y. Zhiyenbayev, M. Seclì, W. Redjem, S. Dhuey, A. Schwartzberg, E. Yablonovitch, and B. Kanté, “Interpretable inverse-designed cavity for on-chip nonlinear photon pair generation,” Optica 10, 1529-1534 (2023)
- W. Liu, V. Ivanov, K. Jhuria, Q. Ji, A. Persaud, W. Redjem, J. Simoni, Y. Zhiyenbayev, B. Kante, J. G. Lopez, L. Z. Tan, and T. Schenkel, “Quantum Emitter Formation Dynamics and Probing of Radiation-Induced Atomic Disorder in Silicon,” Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 014058 (2023).
- K. Jhuria, V. Ivanov, D. Polley, W. Liu, A. Persaud, Y. Zhiyenbayev, W. Redjem, W. Qarony, P. Parajuli, Qing Ji, A. J. Gonsalves, J. Bokor, L. Z. Tan, B. Kante, and T. Schenkel, “Programmable quantum emitter formation in silicon,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.05759 (2023).
- W. Redjem*, Y. Zhiyenbayev*, W. Qarony* et al., “All-silicon quantum light source by embedding an atomic emissive center in a nanophotonic cavity,” Nat Commun 14, 3321 (2023).
- Z. Jia, M. Seclì, A. Avdoshkin et al., “Disordered topological graphs enhancing nonlinear phenomena,” Sci. Adv. 9, 14 (2023).
- V. Ivanov, A. Ivanov, J. Simoni, P. Parajuli, B. Kanté, T. Schenkel, and L. Z. Tan, “Database of semiconductor point-defect properties for applications in quantum technologies,” arXiv preprint arXiv.2303.16283 (2023).
- W. Redjem, A.J. Amsellem, F.I. Allen et al., “Defect engineering of silicon with ion pulses from laser acceleration,” Commun Mater 4, 22 (2023).
- Y. Zhiyenbayev, W. Redjem, V. Ivanov, W. Qarony, C. Papapanos, J. Simoni, W. Liu, K. Jhuria, L. Z. Tan, T. Schenkel, and B. Kanté, “Scalable manufacturing of quantum light emitters in silicon under rapid thermal annealing,” Opt. Express 31, 8352-8362 (2023).
- W. Redjem, Y. Zhiyenbayev, W. Qarony et al., “All-silicon quantum light source by embedding an atomic emissive center in a nanophotonic cavity,” arXiv preprint arXiv.2301.06654 (2023)..
- R. Contractor*, W. Noh*, W. Redjem* et al., “Scalable single-mode surface emitting laser via open-Dirac singularities,” Nature 608, 692–698 (2022).
- Z. Jia, M. Seclì, A. Avdoshkin et al., “Disorder-enhanced nonlinear topological phenomena,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.12719 (2022).
- R. Pestourie, W. Yao, B. Kanté, and S. G. Johnson, “Efficient Inverse Design of Large-Area Metasurfaces for Incoherent Light,” ACS Photonics (2022).
- H. Qin, W. Redjem, and B. Kanté, “Tunable and enhanced optical force with bound state in the continuum,” Opt. Lett. 47 (7), 1774-1777 (2022).
- V. Ivanov, J. Simoni, Y. Lee, W. Liu, K. Jhuria, W. Redjem, Y. Zhiyenbayev, C. Papapanos, W. Qarony, B. Kanté, A. Persaud, T. Schenkel, and L. Z. Tan, “Effect of localization on photoluminescence and zero-field splitting of silicon color centers,” Phys. Rev. B 106, 134107 (2022).
- W. Redjem, B. Kanté et al., “Defect engineering of silicon with ion pulses from laser acceleration,” arXiv preprint arxiv:2203.13781 (2022).
- T. Schenkel, W. Redjem, A. Persaud, W. Liu, PA Seidl, AJ Amsellem, B. Kanté, and Q. Ji, “Exploration of Defect Dynamics and Color Center Qubit Synthesis with Pulsed Ion Beams,” Quantum Beam Sci., 6 (1), 13 (2022).
- Q. Song, M. Odeh, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, B. Kanté, and P. Genevet, “Plasmonic topological metasurface by encircling an exceptional point,” Science, 373 (6559), 1133–1137 (2021).
- B. Bahari, L. Hsu, S. H. Pan, D. Preece, A. Ndao, A. El Amili, Y. Fainman, and B. Kanté, “Photonic quantum Hall effect and multiplexed light sources of large orbital angular momenta,” Nature Physics 17, 700–703 (2021).
- M. Odeh, M. Dupré, K. Kim, and B. Kanté, “Optical response of jammed rectangular nanostructures,” Nanophotonics 10 (1) 705–711 (2021).
- W. Noh*, H. Nasari*, H.-M. Kim*, Q. Le-Van, Z. Jia, C.-H. Huang, and B. Kanté, “Experimental demonstration of single-mode topological valley-Hall lasing at telecommunication wavelength controlled by the degree of asymmetry,” Optics Letters 45 (15) 4108–4111 (2020).
- A. Ndao, L. Hsu, J. Ha, J. Park, C. Chang-Hasnain, and B. Kanté, “Octave bandwidth photonic fishnet-achromatic-metalens,” Nature Communications 11, 3205 (2020).
- R. Contractor, W. Noh, Q. Le-Van, and B. Kanté, “Doping-induced plateau of strong electromagnetic confinement in the momentum space,” Optics Letters 45 (13) 3653–3656 (2020).
- A. Ndao, L. Hsu, W. Cai, J. Ha, J. Park, R. Contractor, Y. Lo, and B. Kanté, “Differentiating and quantifying exosome secretion from a single cell using quasi-bound states in the continuum,” Nanophotonics 9 (5) 20200008 (2020).
- J. Park*, A. Ndao*, W. Cai, L.-Y. Hsu, A. Kodigala, T. Lepetit, Y.-H. Low, and B. Kanté “Symmetry-breaking-induced plasmonic exceptional points and nanoscale sensing,” Nature Physics 16 (4), 462–468 (2020).
- Y. Ota, K. Takata, T. Ozawa, A. Amo, Z. Jia, B. Kanté, M. Notomi, Y. Arakawa, and S. Iwamoto “Active topological photonics,” Nanophotonics, 9 (3), 547–567 (2020).
- C.-Y. Fang, S. H. Pan, F. Vallini, A. Tukiainen, J. Lyytikäinen, G. Nylund, B. Kanté, M. Guina, A. El Amili, and Y. Fainman “Lasing action in low-resistance nanolasers based on tunnel junctions,” Optics Letters 44 (15), 3669–3672 (2019).
- L.-Y. Hsu, A. Ndao, and B. Kanté, “Broadband and linear polarization metasurface carpet cloak in the visible,” Opt. Lett 44 (12), 2978–2981 (2019).
- B. Bahari, L.-Y. Hsu, S. H. Pan, D. Preece, A. Ndao, A. El Amili, Y. Fainman, B. Kanté, “Topological lasers generating and multiplexing topological light,” arXiv:1904.11873.
- J.-H. Park, A. Ndao, W. Cai, L.-Y. Hsu, A. Kodigala, T. Lepetit, Y-H. Lo, B. Kanté, “Observation of plasmonic exceptional points,” arXiv:1904.01073.
- W. Noh, M. Dupré, A. Ndao, A. Kodigala, B. Kanté, “Self-Suspended Microdisk Lasers with Mode Selectivity by Manipulating the Spatial Symmetry of Whispering Gallery Modes,” ACS Photonics 6 (2), 389–394.
- H. Nasari, M. Dupré, B. Kanté, “Efficient design of random metasurfaces,” Opt. Lett. 43, 5829–5832 (2018).
- J. Ha, A. Ndao, L. Y. Hsu, J.-H. Park, B. Kanté, “Planar dielectric cylindrical lens at 800 nm and the role of fabrication imperfections,” Opt. Express 26, 23178–23184 (2018).
- J. Wang, S. Wagner, W. Chen, Y. Shi, A. Ndao, L. Li, B. Kanté, D. Sirbuly, M. C. Lemme, S. V.-Mena “Integration of Nanomaterials into Three-Dimensional Vertical Architectures”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10(34), 28262–28268 (2018).
- M. Dupré, L. Y. Hsu, B. Kanté, “On the design of random metasurface based devices,” Scientific Reports 8, 7162 (2018).
- B. Bahari, A. Ndao, F. Vallini, A. El Amili, Y. Fainman, B. Kanté, “Nonreciprocal lasing in topological cavities of arbitrary geometries,” Science 358, 636-640 (2017).
- L. Y. Hsu, M. Dupré, A. Ndao, J. Yellowhair, B. Kanté, “Local phase method for designing and optimizing metasurface devices,” Opt. Express 25, 24974 (2017).
- B. Bahari, F. Vallini, T. Lepetit, R. Tellez-Limon, J. H. Park, A. Kodigala, Y. Fainman, B. Kanté, “Integrated and Steerable Vortex Lasers using Bound States in Continuum,” arXiv:1707.00181 (2017).
- A. Kodigala, Q. Gu, T. Lepetit, B. Bahari, and B. Kante, “Mechanically stable conjugate and suspended lasing membranes of bridged nano-cylinders,” Opt. Mater. Express 7, 2980 (2017).
- J-H. Park, A. Kodigala, A. Ndao, and B. Kanté, “Hybridized Metamaterial Platform for Nano-Scale Sensing,” Opt. Express 25, 15590 (2017).
- L. Y. Hsu, M. Dupré, A. Ndao, and B. Kanté, “From Parabolic-Trough to Metasurface-Concentrator: Assessing Focusing in the Wave-Optics Limit,” Opt. Letters 42, 1520 (2017).
- A. Kodigala*, T. Lepetit*, Q. Gu*, B. Bahari, Y. Fainman, and B. Kanté, “Lasing Action from Photonic Bound States in Continuum,” Nature 541, 196 – 199 (2017).
- J. S. T. Smalley, F. Vallini, S. Montoya, L. Ferrari, S. Shahin, C. T. Riley, B. Kante, E. E. Fullerton, Z. Liu, Y. Fainman, “Luminescent Hyperbolic Metasurfaces,” Nat. Commun 7, 13793 (2017).
- J. Li, W. Liu, T. Li, I. Rozen, J. Zhao, B. Bahari, B. Kanté and J. Wang, “Swimming Microrobot Optical Nanoscopy,” Nano Letters, 16, 6604 (2016).
- A. Kodigala, T. Lepetit, and B. Kanté, “Exceptional Points in Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Nanostructures,” Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 94, 201103 (2016).
- B. Bahari, R. Tellez-Limon, and B. Kanté, “Directive and Enhanced Spontaneous Emission Using Shifted Cubes Nanoantenna,” J. Appl. Phys. 120, 093106 (2016).
- B. Bahari, R. Tellez-Limon, and B. Kanté, “Topological Terahertz Circuits Using Semiconductors,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 143501 (2016).
- R. Tellez-Limon, B. Bahari, L. Y. Hsu, J-H. Park, A. Kodigala, and B. Kanté, “Integrated metaphotonics: symmetries and confined excitation of LSP resonances in a single metallic nanoparticle,” Opt. Express 24, 13875 (2016).
- T. Lepetit and B. Kanté, “Metasurfaces: Simultaneous Stokes Parameters,” Nature Photonics 9, 709 (2015).
- J. S. T. Smalley, F. Vallini, S. Shahin, B. Kante, and Y. Fainman, “Gain-Enhanced High-k Transmission through Metal-Semiconductor Hyperbolic Metamaterials,” Opt. Mat. Express 5, 2300-2312 (2015).
- A. Chen, A. Kodigala, T. Lepetit and B. Kanté, “Multipoles of even/odd split-ring resonators,” Photonics, 2, 883-892 (2015).
- L.Y. Hsu, T. Lepetit and B. Kanté, “Extremely Thin Dielectric Metasurface for Carpet Cloaking,” Prog. Electromagn. Res, 152, 33-40 (2015).
- T. Lepetit and B. Kanté, “Nonlinear optics: Metamaterial quasi-phase matching,” Nat. Photonics 9, 148 (2015).
- K. O’Brien , H. Suchowski , J. Rho, A. Salandrino, B. Kante, X. Yin, and X. Zhang, “Predicting nonlinear properties of metamaterials from the linear response,” Nat. Mater 14, 379 (2015).
- T. Lepetit and B. Kanté, “Cramér-Rao Bounds for Determination of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities in Metasurfaces,” Opt. Express 23, 226798 (2015).
- A. Kodigala, T. Lepetit and B. Kante, “Engineering resonance dynamics of plasmon hybridized systems,” Journal of Applied Physics. 117, 023110 (2015).
- T. Lepetit and B. Kanté, “ Controlling Multipolar Radiation with Symmetries for Electromagnetic Bound States in the Continuum,” Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 90, 241103 (2014).
- J. S. T. Smalley, F. Vallini, B. Kanté, Y. Fainman, “Modal Amplification in Active Waveguides with Hyperbolic Dispersion at Telecommunication Frequencies,” Opt. Express 22, 21088 (2014).
- S. Yang, X. Ni, X. Yin, B. Kante, P. Zhang, J. Zhu, Y. Wang, and X. Zhang, “ Feedback-driven self-assembly of symmetry-breaking optical metamaterials in solution,” Nat. Nanotechnol 9, 1002 (2014).
- B. Kanté, D. Germain, and A. de Lustrac, “ Near Field Imaging of Refraction via the Magnetic Field,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 021909 (2014).
- M. Gharghi, E. Fathi, B. Kanté, S. Sivoththaman, and X. Zhang. “Heterojunction silicon microwire solar cells ” Nano letters 12.12 (2012): 6278-6282.
- B. Kanté, Y-S. Park, K. O’Brien, D. Shuldman, N. D. Lanzillotti Kimura, Z. J. Wong, X. Yin, and X. Zhang. “Symmetry breaking and optical negative index of closed nanorings” Nature communications 3 (2012): 1180.
- K. O’Brien, N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, H. Suchowski, B. Kanté, P. Park, X. Yin, and X. Zhang. “Reflective interferometry for optical metamaterial phase measurements” Optics letters 37.19 (2012): 4089-4091.
- B. Kanté, K. O’Brien, A. Niv, X. Yin, and X. Zhang. “Proposed isotropic negative index in three-dimensional optical metamaterials” Physical Review B 85.4 (2012): 041103.
- B. Kanté, A de Lustrac, J.-M. Lourtioz. “ Low loss negative index metamaterials with one type of meta-atom” Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 8.2 (2010): 112-119.
- B. Kanté, D. Germain, A. de Lustrac. “Experimental demonstration of a nonmagnetic metamaterial cloak at microwave frequencies” Physical Review B 80.20 (2009): 201104.
- S. N. Burokur, A. Sellier, B. Kanté, A. de Lustrac. “Symmetry breaking in metallic cut wire pairs metamaterials for negative refractive index” Applied Physics Letters 94.20 (2009): 201111.
- A. Sellier, S. N. Burokur, B. Kanté, A. de Lustrac. “Negative refractive index metamaterials using only metallic cut wires ” Opt. Express 17, 6301 (2009).
- B. Kanté, A de Lustrac, J.-M. Lourtioz. “In-plane coupling and field enhancement in infrared metamaterial surfaces ” Physical Review B 80.3 (2009): 035108.
- B. Kanté, Boubacar, Jean-Michel Lourtioz, and André de Lustrac. “Infrared metafilms on a dielectric substrate” Physical Review B 80.20 (2009): 205120.
- B. Kanté, S. N. Burokur, A. Sellier, A. de Lustrac, J.-M. Lourtioz. “ Controlling plasmon hybridization for negative refraction metamaterials” Physical Review B 79.7 (2009): 075121.
- B. Kanté, A. de Lustrac, J.-M. Lourtioz, S. N. Burokur. “Infrared cloaking based on the electric response of split ring resonators” Optics express 16.12 (2008): 9191-9198.
- B. Kanté, A. de Lustrac, J.-M. Lourtioz, F. Gadot. “Engineering resonances in infrared metamaterials” Optics express 16.10 (2008): 6774-6784.
- B. Kanté, A. Ourir, S. N. Burokur, F. Gadot, A. de Lustrac. “Metamaterials for optical and radio communications” Comptes Rendus Physique 9.1 (2008): 31-40.
Accordion Content
Books and Book Chapters
A. de Lustrac, S. N. Burokur, P-H. Tichit, B. Kanté, R. Ghasemi, and D. Germain “Space Coordinate Transformation and Applications” in Metamaterials, edited by Xun-Ya Jiang, InTech ISBN 978-953-51-0591-6.
A. de Lustrac, S. N. Burokur, B. Kanté, A. Sellier and D. Germain “Design and Characterization of Metamaterials for Optical and Radio Communications” in Metamaterials, edited by Xun-Ya Jiang, InTech ISBN 978-953-51-0591-6.
B. Kanté “Metamaterials, From Microwaves to Optics: Theory and Applications“ EDP SCIENCES ISBN 978-2-7598-0537-2.